Monday, November 10, 2008

Starring..... Daddy as Mommy for a Night

I had a Juniors Board meeting tonight, so dear husband had the kids tonight. I came home and they were all watching television.........I start looking at homework folders and ask, Clay, did you review homework? Did you review questions for Bella's test on Wednesday? Did you let Henry read "Hop and Pop" and did you read him a book? Did you make lunch for tomorrow? Did you swap clothes over in washer..........WELL, he can't do everything!!!!! Really! Who would have thought. He proceeded to review Bella's math homework and they were both screaming and yelling and she was crying. Now he understands my frustration! HOMEWORK is so much fun. Bella brought home a report this weekend that her teacher made her re-write because she did not indent the paragraphs. OH! She was not happy that she had homework over the weekend. She completely rebelled and finally I told her that I did not care if she did the report or not. Informed her that I had already finished school and it wasn't my grade! There! Well, it did not work. Still whined and fussed! Lord, help me when both of my children need homework help. I will need to be medicated. Probably need to be right now.

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